Tuesday 22 November 2011

Down the pub with Dana Scully - 12 years ago

In a recently renovated English 'pub' called the Badger and Ferret Dana Scully nestles a double vodka and orange between hands and knees.
Scully:: Is this what you call a typical English pub ?
Robin :: No, this is 'nouveau-plastic' renovation, but the beer is good.
Scully :: Ol' Badgers Bum, strange name for a beer, and strong at 7% alcohol.
You'll be under the table after a couple of pints.
Robin:: With you I hope.
Scully:: No chance!
Robin:: What do you think of your rival programme 'Dark Skies' ?
Scully:: You mean 'French Kissing in the U.S.A. ? Do you think that Greek restaurant is still missing some squid and octopus ?
Robin:: I am waiting for the one-armed man to appear. Perhaps even 'The Fugitive' will put in an appearance.
Scully:: They have the 'one-eyed' man with his mouth full of squid 'french kissing' as much as he can.
I suppose the head of MJ12 is the equivalent to Barry Morse who played the policeman.
Robin:: Don't you just love 1960's revivals ?
Scully:: Ok, ok, I'll get you another beer.
Robin:: Do you think 'Dark Skies' is a spoof ?
Scully:: The aliens are a 'spoof'
I gulped down more of the 7% proof nectar called 'Ol' Badgers Bum'.
Robin:: You mean to tell me that just because 'Dark Skies' is pinching your TV ratings there are no aliens??
Scully:: There are no aliens! Where's the proof ?
Robin:: I have read loads of books on the subject, there is a lot of evidence for aliens and alien abduction.
Scully:: But no proof.
Robin:: Oh come on now I've watched the X-files, there is a big government cover up.
Scully:: It's convenient. You've heard of 'Black Projects'- Come on you're the aircraft spotter - anorak,notepad,binoculars and a rolled up copy of 'Playboy'.
Robin:: Not every secret aircraft is an alleged U.F.O. What about the aliens ?
Scully:: As I said the aliens are convenient.
Robin:: How ?
Scully:: Now that the 'Cold War' is over there is the need for a new threat. Hence the aliens.
Robin:: I'm the one who' s drinking the strong beer!
Scully:: Tools of government . There needs to be an external threat.
Robin:: Like Orwell's 1984 ?
Scully:: Sort of. You heard those guys at the bar arguing over lottery numbers, just like in the book 1984.
Robin:: This is getting scary, so the world is run like Orwell's book ?
Scully:: Looks like it .
Robin:: Why are we talking politics ? You know it is not fashionable now ! We should be talking money! What numbers did you choose for the National Lottery ?
Scully:: Not fashionable to talk politics ?? So what are you doing with a book on Che Guevara ?
Robin:: EErrrrr - bought it cheap in a junk shop.
Scully:: You're talking junk more like!
Robin:: I have not yet seen people at the top run a party in a brewery let alone the World.
Scully:: They can't but they still try, we all get it in the neck.
Robin:: What about the Chinese , where do they fit in ?
Scully:: Like the Arabs and the oil, their time is to come also.
Robin:: And the Aliens ?
Scully:: Yes !
Robin:: Wouldn't you fancy another drink ? I think I need another after all that.
Scully :: You bet!

Robin's bio

"Fascinating Robin, but not as we know it," declared Mr Spock after he read some of my scribble on the back of a Ritz menu.
"Looks like reptilian toilet paper from Zeta Rediculous," continued Spock.
Spock's ears twitched as he held up the paper to the filth analyser.
"The Central Scrutinizer will have to see this," he chimed.
"Who?...No No I'm not Dr Who...My name is Robin," I insisted.
"HHHmmm, you sound like a bit of a hood to me, Merry Hood and his Robbin Men?" he accused.
"J'accuse! Go and talk to Graham Greene," said I.
"You want to write film scripts for James Bond Films and you hardly ever watch Star Trek!" Spock's gloved hand slapped down hard on his consul.
"I think you are an alien!
Look at your interests:- Aviation,Travel,Ballet, Languages,Films,Football,Pre-Raphaelite Art,Archaeology,UFO,s,Russian Culture, Brasilian Culture,Lap Dancers,Brasilian Fashion Models,Astrology,Psychology, Para-Psychology,Area51,Naval Battles,Classical Music,Brasilian Music,Spying!!!!!
Spying!!!! Smyert Spionam-'Death to Spies'!"
"Spock I've had enough of you I'm taking Dana Scully down the pub for a pint'" I spluttered.
"You're weird Robin, really weird," said Spock.

Friday 18 November 2011

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy - Yuck !

The critics loved it !
Well the ones that were paid to, did.
What a pile of unadulterated bovine scatology.
‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy’.
I gave up two hours of a sunny afternoon to watch this rubbish.
(1) Tinker, with the plot.
(2) Tailor, it,  to The Sun readership.
(3) Soldier, stand by your beds, for gore and titillation.
(4) Spy, I spy with my little eye, hyped-up rubbish.
I was wary, I have the DVD. I have read the book two times and
also have an audio book.
I wasn’t ready for a luvvy dog’s dinner.
I was prepared not to compare it with the brilliant BBC TV series
or the book.
Perhaps my dislike for Swedish directors, put me off in the first place?
Trendy views, of bare bums, butcher shop gore.
They tried their best to be different from the original.
Yes they tried, and tried my patience also.
I nearly walked out three times, the fat lady blocked my path.
Gary Oldman? An acting ghost !
They, the directors or producers, or whatever these punks like to call
themselves, had a field day of pretension.
The BBC original got the facts spot on.
These punks messed with story, flashbacks more than a year on Vodka
could  produce. The BBC then, didn’t have caged rooms where the ‘opposition’
couldn’t listen in. Just, crappy, government offices in Cambridge Square. Which was how it was. Then they may have had a ‘Faraday Cage’ ? More likely they probably sat in the bathroom and ran the taps.
There was little, if at all, character development.
Smiley was a ghost that drifted in and out. Peter Guilem was a homosexual that
Michael Jayston would get hot under the collar about. The excellent and important character of Jerry Westerby was buried in the poor script. John Hurt was John Hurt, they even had to make a gimmick out of his end.
The only character I liked was Ricky Tarr. They made a dog’s dinner of this as well.

Hollywood produces soap-opera or blatant propaganda.
Or the so-called European Art-Film people produce this rubbish. I thought it reeked of English clichés. Perhaps it should have been called ‘Carry On, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy’ ?
The acting was not that good, it just had famous names.
Toby Esterhase, Bill Haydon ? Mere shadows.
Corny singing of the Soviet Internationale anthem at the office party.
Do me a favour guv, leave it out.

Hyped up to the rafters.
Do yourself a favour, avoid this trash, and save your money !

Thursday 17 November 2011

Thoughts on the World Travel Market

Thoughts on the World Travel Market
Aren't governments wonderful ?? They will increase the UK passenger service charge on April 2012. Increasing taxes frightens people off, or they find ways around them. Hence the government get less, not more, revenue, such genius ?
Thursday was very quiet, Wednesday was busy but I couldn't go that day.
The World Travel Market was as large and full of colour as ever. National costumes and snacks to attract attention. How much the future will be affected by the Euro or world economic conditions is a moot point. The next few months will tell.
On Tuesday I was treated to Bulgarian hospitality at the Crowne Plaza, hosted by the Bulgarian Tourist minister.
Information about Bulgaria, great food and wine and a definite wish to visit that country in the future.
Princess Ubonrat visited the Thai Airways stand with her usual smile and dramatic choice of boots. The Thai stands appeared quiet, perhaps due to the uncertainty of the Bangkok floods and the strong value of the Thai Baht? Some good news. Thai Airways will have IFE in economy from December, about time too. Imagine being stuck on an aircraft with a Julia Roberts film ?
Thai dancers gave an enchanting display.
Cyprus has a lot of character, especially Pambos and his wines.
Brasil had a big balloon thingy advertising their large stand. They always produce a grand effort with plenty of strong dark coffee and the occasional Caipirinha.

Of course there was a Brasilian band with dancing as well.
Images from previous World Travel Markets....
Interesting costumes from Uzbekistan, or was that Kazakstan ?
A Swiss lady in a cheeky hat.
Giants of Bossa Nova.
Paraiso Samba School, based in London.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

World Travel Market - 2011

1300 hrs :-Arrived at the friendly and grand Brasilian stand. There, I met Fabio Louis from JungleDrums Magazine http://jungledrumsonline.com/
 He presented me with a copy of their latest magazine; 'Rise'. Written in French and English, it is an insider's guide to Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo and much more. I am enjoying a coffee at the Cafe Brasil - check it out ! 
 The Equador stand offered some tasty crab and passion fruit snacks, must return.
Uruguay, interesting country with a  large photograph of their national football team and my favourite footballer, Luiz Suarez.
Now some Belgium hospitality, great beer and delicious salami. Is this a travel or a food show, you might ask. Good question.
Chez Leon is a famous chain of Belgian restaurants, I just have to visit. Beer or business, is there a difference ?
I taxied over to the Etihad Airlines stand and tried the virtual flight simulator experience. It wouldn't allow me to do 'lazy 8s' or a 'barrel roll'.
A lady from Bahia. Fabio Louis is on the right in beige trousers.
Two happy ladies at the Brasilian Cafe
The new Boeing B787 Airfix Airliner, it's mostly plastic ! The real one that is, not the model.
Thai dancers take a break
Well, one could always go to the Chez Leon Restaurant in Brussels. Avoiding boring politicians of course.