Monday 7 October 2019

This means lots to me............Oh Vienna !

Including Bratislava in Slovakia.

Vienna, Wien in German.

                                                            St Stephen's Cathedral
I took a visit to Vienna or Wien during the Christmas period 2018. There is literally so much to see, that the few days I was there didn't do it justice. I particularly liked the Military History museum. Which contains the car and uniform of the assassinated Arch Duke Ferdinand. The event that allegedly started the First World War, it was definitely the trigger if not the gun. The exhibit I most wanted to see however was the Heilige Lance, popularly known as the Spear of Destiny. Situated in the Hofburg, a brilliant museum that has many fascinating exhibits from the Habsburg era including the Imperial Jewels in the Imperial Treasury. Opposite the Hofburg is the Kunsthistorisches Museum, containing old masters and classical artifacts.
Christmas Day is a notoriously quiet time in most European countries, fortunately I was able to get a train to the Schoenbrunn Palace. The main summer residence of the Habsburg rulers. Visit and taste an amazing history.
On Boxing Day I took a day trip to Brastislava,  it is only 2+ hours from Vienna by train. Bratislava is small by comparison and also very historic. Quite a bit cheaper than Vienna with beer and food very reasonable. It certainly has an interesting night life. An attraction for stag parties apparently.
On my last day in Vienna I went to the Leopold Museum, Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele, marvellous. Such are the many things to see I didn't have time to visit the Ferris Wheel, the Wiener Riesenrad, famous in the film, 'The Third Man'. A good tip is to get a daily or three day travel pass, the best way to see the city. I have only scratched the surface of this wonderful city. I have missed the Spanish Riding School and the many classical musical events. I have not even mentioned the Sacher Torte, the well known chocolate cake.
My photos will only give a flavour of this amazing city.

                                                   The Spear of Destiny(Heilige Lance)

                                                                 Habsburg Jewels
                                 The tragedy of the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand

The infamous car. 

Fiesler Storch



  Christmas in Vienna