Sunday, 9 October 2016

Battle of Britain Bunker - Uxbridge

During the Summer, I visited the Battle of Britain Bunker in Uxbridge. Sited on the old RAF Uxbridge Camp. You may remember the scene in the film, Battle of Britain. Where Churchill was chewing on a cigar and was told that ALL the fighter aircraft were up, to combat the approaching German bombers and fighters. It was not actually filmed in the Bunker but carefully recreated in a studio. Sir Winston Churchill was not actually allowed to light his cigar for safety reasons although the Bunker had and still has a very effective air conditioning unit. It can recycle the air in a couple of minutes. Pretty good even for the present day. It is a bit of a challenge to find the building where the entrance to the Bunker is located, but well worth it. Rather than an RAF camp, the whole area is a housing development with houses in various stages of completion.

Once I had found the entrance to the Bunker, which is 60 feet below ground, I had to go down 78 steps to get to it. Of course the problem is returning up them, not going down. The Bunker was built by the Sir Robert McAlpine company. The plans, out of necessity were kept secret.

It was from here that Number 11 Group, led by Sir Keith Park was directed. At the forefront of the battle against the attacking German aircraft.

As Sir Winston Churchill famously said,"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed, by so many, to so few."

To visit where the few were directed, one has to telephone and arrange a visit, entrance is free.

The operations room.
Here am I imagining I am directing the traffic.
"Yes Prime Minister, they are all up, everything, no reserves!"
A view from the balcony
There is a fascinating museum in the Bunker
The Fuehrer is looking over your shoulder Fritz !
The newspaper says,"The Fuehrer has fallen!"
An actual sign from the prison castle 'Colditz'
Some of the still functioning air conditioning
"I say corporal, you look a bit pale, have you seen a ghost?"
A Hurricane from the Polish Squadron

Spitfire MK9

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